Statutory Documents

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Show allNotices of Completion of AuditNotices of Public RightsAccountsCommittee Terms of ReferenceExternal Auditor ReportsGDPR PoliciesICO LicenceInternal Auditor ReportsInternal Control Checklists – completedNotices of MeetingsEmployment

June 10, 2024
Account Variances
June 10, 2024
Accounts 2016
March 31, 2016
Accounts 2017
March 31, 2017
Accounts 2018
March 31, 2018
Accounts 2019
March 31, 2019
Accounts 2020
March 31, 2020
Accounts 2021
March 31, 2021
Accounts 2022
March 31, 2022
Accounts 2024
June 10, 2024
Annual Walk of Town Hall
April 9, 2018
Annual Walk of Town Hall
April 9, 2019
Annual Walk of Town Hall
July 17, 2017
Annual Walk of Town Hall
March 3, 2022
Annual Walk of Town Hall
May 23, 2016
Annual Walk of Town Hall
September 9, 2021
Asset Register
March 31, 2022
Assets Register
May 7, 2024
Buildings Committee Terms of Reference
Committee Terms of Reference
May 7, 2024
CCTV Policy
GDPR Policies
March 1, 2021
Cemetery Rules and Regulations
July 9, 2024
Clerks Expenses Policy
November 15, 2023
Co-option Procedure
July 25, 2022
Code of Conduct
January 7, 2013
Code of Conduct
May 7, 2024
Complaints Procedure
May 7, 2024
Councillor Responsibilities
January 23, 2023
Disciplinary Polcy
July 7, 2020
Equality & Diversity Policy
September 7, 2020
External Auditor Report 2018-2019
External Auditor Reports
September 19, 2019
External Auditor Report 2019-2020
External Auditor Reports
November 7, 2020
External Auditor Report 2020-2021
External Auditor Reports
September 23, 2021
External Auditor Report 2021-2022
External Auditor Reports
September 27, 2022
Finance Committee Meeting
Notices of Meetings
July 29, 2024
Finance Committee Terms of Reference
Committee Terms of Reference
May 7, 2024
Financial Regulations 2024
June 5, 2024
Grant Award Application Form
October 1, 2022
Grant Award Policy
June 8, 2021
Grievance Policy
July 6, 2020
Holiday Policy
November 15, 2023
ICO Licence 2014 and 2015
ICO Licence
May 19, 2015
ICO Licence 2016
ICO Licence
May 19, 2016
ICO Licence 2018
ICO Licence
May 19, 2018
ICO Licence 2019
ICO Licence
May 19, 2019
ICO Licence 2020, 2021 and 2022
ICO Licence
May 19, 2022
ICO Licence 2023
ICO Licence
May 19, 2023
ICO Licence 2024
ICO Licence
May 20, 2024
Information Protection Policy
GDPR Policies
March 1, 2021
Internal Audit Report 2024
Internal Auditor Reports
June 10, 2024
Internal Auditor Report 2018-2019
Internal Auditor Reports
August 19, 2019
Internal Auditor Report 2019-2020
Internal Auditor Reports
June 18, 2020
Internal Auditor Report 2020-2021
Internal Auditor Reports
June 25, 2021
Internal Auditor Report 2021-2022
Internal Auditor Reports
June 15, 2022
Internal Auditor Report 2022 - 2023
Internal Auditor Reports
June 30, 2023
Internal Control
Internal Control Checklists – completed
April 11, 2022
Internal Control
Internal Control Checklists – completed
April 27, 2021
Internal Control
Internal Control Checklists – completed
January 2, 2020
Internal Control
Internal Control Checklists – completed
January 4, 2023
Internal Control
Internal Control Checklists – completed
January 5, 2022
Internal Control
Internal Control Checklists – completed
July 11, 2022
Internal Control
Internal Control Checklists – completed
July 12, 2021
Internal Control
Internal Control Checklists – completed
July 12, 2021
Internal Control
Internal Control Checklists – completed
July 13, 2020
Internal Control
Internal Control Checklists – completed
October 10, 2022
Internal Control
Internal Control Checklists – completed
October 11, 2021
Internal Control
Internal Control Checklists – completed
October 19, 2020
Internal Control
Internal Control Checklists – completed
October 19, 2020
Marketing and Development Committee Terms of Reference
Committee Terms of Reference
April 10, 2024
Notice of Completion of Audit 2023
Notices of Completion of Audit
June 30, 2023
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2019
Notices of Completion of Audit
September 19, 2019
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2020
Notices of Completion of Audit
November 7, 2020
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2021
Notices of Completion of Audit
September 23, 2021
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2022
Notices of Completion of Audit
September 27, 2022
Notice of Public Rights
Notices of Public Rights
June 5, 2024
Notice of Public Rights 2019
Notices of Public Rights
July 1, 2019
Notice of Public Rights 2020
Notices of Public Rights
July 27, 2020
Notice of Public Rights 2021
Notices of Public Rights
July 5, 2021
Notice of Public Rights 2022
Notices of Public Rights
June 21, 2022
Notices of Public Rights
June 20, 2023
Open Spaces Committee Terms of Reference
Committee Terms of Reference
June 3, 2024
Pension Policy
June 6, 2022
Privacy Policy
GDPR Policies
June 4, 2024
Privacy Policy for staff, volunteers and Councillors
GDPR Policies
June 4, 2024
Publication Scheme
March 1, 2021
Recording Policy
March 1, 2021
Records Management Policy
GDPR Policies
March 1, 2021
Risk Assessment
May 7, 2024
Security Incident Policy AND Data security Breach Action Plan
GDPR Policies
March 1, 2021
Sickness Absence Policy
November 15, 2023
Standing Orders
May 7, 2024
Subject Access Request Policy
GDPR Policies
March 2, 2021
Timetable of Meetings
Notices of Meetings
May 7, 2024
Town Hall Hire Terms and Conditions
January 1, 2024
Training & Development Policy
November 2, 2020
Volunteer Policy
April 21, 2022
Website Policy
November 7, 2022
internal Control
Internal Control Checklists – completed
July 13, 2020
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