Bentham Town Council meet once a month on the first Monday and possibly the third Monday of each month, the Council operates a Finance Committee, an Open Spaces Committee, and a Buildings Committee.
The Finance Committee meets quarterly, usually later in the month due to the extra work required in preparing for these following a full Council meeting.
The Open Spaces and Buildings Committees meet at least twice a year, and at other times as pertinent to the projects in progress.
A committee discusses business pertinent to its area of specialization and passes pending decisions back to the full Council for resolution.
Cllr Adams / Cllr Burton / Cllr Gerrie / Cllr Hill / Cllr Marshall / Cllr Ryan
Cllr Burton / Cllr Marshall / Cllr Paige/ Cllr Stannard / Cllr Taylor
Cllr Adams / Cllr Burton /Cllr Hill / Cllr Howard / Cllr Paige.
Cllr Ryan / Cllr Naylor / Cllr Gerrie / Cllr Hill / Cllr Burton / Cllr Howard
Council Representatives on Other Bodies
Aid in Sickness = Cllr Adams
Bentham & District Dementia Friendly Community (BDDFC) = Cllr Hill
Bentham Area Refugee Support Group (BARSG) = Cllr Gerrie
Bentham Christmas Lights = Cllr Burton
Bentham Common Land Charity = Cllr Marshall
Bentham Environmentally Sustainable Town (BEST) = Cllr Paige
Bentham Playing Field Association = Cllr Ryan
Bentham Save A Life = Cllr Hill
Bentham Youth Cafe = Cllr Naylor
Collingwood & Longstaffe = Cllr Marshall
Goodenber Play Area Association = Cllr Adams
LASRUG = Cllr Adams
Longstaffe Educational Foundation = Cllr Burton
Looking Well / Library = Cllr Naylor
Patient Representative Group = Cllr Stannard
Victoria Institute = Cllr Paige
YLCA – Cllr Marshal and Cllr Taylor